tools of the trade
- agfa isolette
- beseler topcon unirex
- canon a1
- canon ae-1 program
- canon powershot sd400
- canon powershot sd800
- canon r6 mark II
- canon sure shot telemax
- fujifilm x100f
- iphone 13 mini
- iphone 4s
- iphone 5s
- iphone 6
- iphone 8
- konica auto s2
- konica c35 automatic
- lomography actionsampler
- lomography belair
- lomography diana baby
- lomography diana f+
- lomography diana mini
- lomography fisheye
- lomography fisheye baby
- lomography oktomat
- lomography sprocket rocket
- lubitel 166+
- olympus [mju:]-II
- olympus om-1 (digital)
- olympus trip 35
- petri ftl
- polaroid 600 classic
- sony alpha nex-7
- unknown